Changes to UCR Zoom Account Access

By Jake Poore |

There is a new and improved way to log into Zoom at UCR. Starting on January 15, 2020, all Zoom accounts in UCR's Managed Domain must be accessed by single sign-on (SSO) through UC Riverside’s Federated Identity Service. This new SSO login process will help the campus better purchase and manage campus-wide Zoom licenses, as well as provide enhanced security for account users.

Leading up to the January 15, 2020 login change, Information Technology Solutions (ITS) will reach out to the owners of approximately 1,150 accounts that were created via the legacy process, which allowed users to log into Zoom with varying usernames/credentials.  As of January 15, all of these legacy accounts will be migrated to SSO accounts, which means users must start logging into Zoom using their and associated campus password.

This support article provides instructions on how to download, install, and access Zoom using SSO.

If you experience any issues with the login process or have any questions about Zoom, please contact UCR BearHelp at or call 951-827-4848 (IT4U). You can also learn more about Zoom on UCR’s Zoom service page.

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