April 2023 Employee of the Month: Rafael Oceguera

ITS proudly recognizes Rafael Oceguera as the April 2023 Employee of the Month. 

Rafael was nominated by Sheri Morgan for being a reliable team member and excellent customer service provider. 

Rafael’s dedication as a Network Administrator has made a huge impact on ITS, especially in the Network Engineering & Operations group. He always makes himself available and never hesitates to help his team. Even if he is unfamiliar with a task, Rafael is willing to take on the work and learn along the way. He is ready to offer his assistance no matter what the circumstance is. 

Rafael’s commitment to teamwork has not gone unnoticed. As Sheri Morgan shared: 

“Rafael consistently offers support to his fellow teammates, whether it is helping to install a network switch, router, [or] pulling cable, or working on the boom lift to relocate wireless access points. He is the first one to offer assistance and the first to grab an incident or request, even if it is a task that he is not familiar with. [He does not hesitate] to jump in and figure things out. Rafael is [also] one of the first ones to [respond to] an outage call and ask what he can do to help support the team.” 

Rafael’s attentiveness to customers' needs is evident in his achievements. Sheri also highlighted some of his major contributions: 

“When a network device goes down, before I can notify the team, Rafael is already looking [into] it. In addition to the tickets and incidents [that] Rafael completed this past month, he also programmed the switches and router for the new Student Health and Counseling Center building, helped support the Cradlepoint proof of concept at James Reserve, and supported the [Zoom Rooms initiative].” 

Thank you, Rafael, for being a proactive and reliable member of the Network Engineering & Operations team. ITS values your contributions highly. Congratulations on this well-earned achievement!  


Do you have colleagues in mind that deserve to be recognized for their hard work and dedication? Nominate them for one of ITS’ Employee Recognition Programs!    

Staff members can be nominated for Employee of the Month or Team of the Quarter. Use our form to submit your nomination for the next Employee of the Month! 

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