July 2023 Employee of the Month: Lora Lopez

ITS proudly recognizes Lora Lopez as the July 2023 Employee of the Month.  

Lora was nominated by Multimedia Service Coordinator Alyssa De Anda for the attentive and timely support she provides as ITS’ Human Resources and Administration Coordinator.  

Lora is the go-to person in ITS for HR-related concerns. She welcomes questions and requests, and her friendly demeanor makes everyone feel comfortable and heard.   

One of the responsibilities that Lora excels in is managing the employee lifecycle of student personnel. As someone who works with student employees herself, Alyssa expressed her appreciation for Lora’s efficient support from the student employee’s onboarding up until their separation from ITS. Alyssa shared: 

“We hire a lot of students within our department, around 50 to 55 [at a time], [and our student personnel constantly changes]. When they graduate or leave for an internship, Lora always helped us [meet] our deadlines in completing the paperwork needed to process our student employees’ separation.

At times we have more than 20 students to onboard and, without a doubt, she has always gotten it done in a timely manner. We [also request her help with other things] all year round and she has never failed us. We would not be as successful if it were not for her.” 

Aside from the excellent support she provides to student employees, Lora is also a reliable HR Coordinator. Her expert advice is especially helpful during difficult situations. Alyssa recalled:   

“There are times when we deal with difficult interactions [with our student employees]. Lora has always offered to give advice or even act on the situation [on our behalf], whether that means speaking to our student employees or [being present] when we meet with them.” 

Thank you, Lora, for the efficient and reliable support you provide not only to ITS staff, but also to our student employees. ITS values your contributions highly. Congratulations on this well-earned achievement! 


Do you have colleagues in mind that deserve to be recognized for their hard work and dedication? Nominate them for one of ITS’ Employee Recognition Programs! 

Staff members can be nominated for Employee of the Month or Team of the Quarter. Use our form to submit your nomination for the next Employee of the Month 

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