December 2023 Employee of the Month: Adelaida Diaz

In the dynamic realm of ITS, where collaboration, dedication, and leadership are highly valued, Student Web Solutions Associate Director Adelaida Diaz stands out as a shining example of excellence. Recognized for her outstanding contributions, Adelaida has been named the December Employee of the Month, a testament to her exceptional work ethic and positive impact on crucial projects.

Adelaida's role as a team-oriented individual is underscored by her willingness to share expertise and support her colleagues. Kathleen Rondeau-Taylor, who nominated her, noted that Adelaida's positive attitude has significantly contributed to creating a productive work environment within ITS.

One of Adelaida's notable achievements was her pivotal role in the success of the Student Health domain migration project. She adeptly navigated client requirements and relationships, and provided clear direction for the project and the larger shift in ITS’ Health, Well-being & Safety strategy.

Teri Eckman, another nominator, emphasized Adelaida's consistent demonstration of strong leadership and dedication:

"She takes a collaborative approach to her work, often reaching across teams in ITS and the campus to accomplish shared goals."

Adelaida has spearheaded several major initiatives, including the transition of the Graduate Division’s student information systems (SIS) to Slate, the Slate Advising project, Student Health’s move to GCP, and the UCOP Residency Determination. This is in addition to her expanded portfolio for new services such as Slack and Kuali Build and supporting the operational work that her team engages in daily.

Teri added, “She handles anything that is thrown her way and without her we would not be able to accomplish everything we have done this year. Her exceptional organization, attention to detail [while having] the ability to see the big picture, and her collaborative spirit make her deserving of [the] Employee of the Month award.”

Sheri Morgan commended Adelaida for leading and coordinating the transition of the legacy PnC system to a web-based app. Adelaida's focus on customer success shines through as she fosters collaborative partnerships and creates ways to enhance the experience of our campus partners by overcoming challenges and providing innovative solutions.

Beyond her direct contributions to individual projects, Adelaida's leadership during system outages highlights her proactive approach to guiding teams through challenging situations. Rehan Tahir noted that Adelaida's commitment to collaboration has streamlined processes and ensured the successful execution of critical projects like Slate Advising, the transition of the Graduate Division SIS to Slate, and the UCOP Residency Determination.

Congratulations, Adelaida, for this well-deserved achievement. Your collaborative spirit, dedication to excellence, and proactive leadership have left an indelible mark on ITS and our campus partners.

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