February 2024 Employee of the Month: Josh Kraft

ITS’ Employee of the Month awardees stand out not only for their competence but also for their unwavering commitment to excellence. One such individual is Josh Kraft, Manager of Integrations and Financial Applications, whose exceptional work on the Cost Transfer Application met and exceeded all expectations.

Financial System Technical Project Manager Max Thakar nominated Josh for exemplifying his dedication to customer success by diligently building the Cost Transfer Application to meet the business requirements of its functional owners.

Max shared, "From start to finish, Josh’s work and performance exceeded all expectations on the Cost Transfer Application, which is much needed for the business of UCR to continue." This high praise underscored Josh's critical role in ensuring the smooth functioning of UCR's business operations.

Josh's focus on customer success is evident in his meticulous attention to detail and ability to collaborate effectively with functional owners. As Max mentioned in his nomination:

 "Josh showed great aptitude [in] working with functional owners to understand [their] business processes, identify issues, and code the Cost Transfer Application to meet business requirements, [while] keeping in mind the goal [for the] delivery date and quality of work."

This careful consideration ensured that the application met the customers’ immediate needs and aligned with long-term business goals.

Max also highlighted Josh's commitment to delivering high-quality work:

"As new problems and bugs were discovered, Josh quickly turned those items around and delivered a corrected application without hesitation."

Josh's willingness to promptly address issues and provide solutions is a testament to his great work ethic. Max added, "Josh's work ethic is top-notch, and we all should strive to work as [he] does."

As we celebrate colleagues like Josh, we are reminded of the impact that passion, hard work, and a focus on customer success can have on improving Highlanders’ experience with technology.

Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition, Josh!

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Staff members can be nominated for Employee of the Month or Team of the Quarter. Use our form to submit your nomination for the next Employee of the Month.

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