On August 31, 2023, nine more campus units migrated to Zoom Phone Services. The latest group to port over are the School of Education, School of Business, College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences, University Extension, University Library, Auxiliary Services, Information Technology Solutions, School of Medicine, and Health, Well-being & Safety. To date, over 2,200 UCR phone users across 16 campus organizations are using Zoom Phone Services.
The transition from UCR’s legacy phone systems to Zoom Phone, a cloud-based phone service, began earlier this year. Following the successful completion of the two pilot runs on January 26 and March 23, 2023, respectively, the Contact Center went live on April 18. Four of UCR’s active call centers were the first to move to Zoom Phone Services.
Since then, two rounds of service upgrades have transitioned a total of 16 campus organizations to Zoom Phone Services.
How Does the Transition to Zoom Phone Work?
When campus units are slated to migrate, campus leadership, unit transactors, and affected staff are notified by ITS via email. Details of upcoming migrations are also announced in the ITS newsletter and ITS blog.
Prior to migration, campus phone users undergo training to receive step-by-step guidance on Zoom Phone configuration, desktop and mobile app usage, and active call management. The training schedule is announced by ITS via email. Live support is also offered post-migration to ensure a smooth transition.
Remaining campus units, along with users who were not ported over with their org, can expect to migrate soon, as ITS hopes to move all campus phone users to Zoom Phone by December 2023.
Zoom Phone Resources
To make the most of Zoom Phone Services and its features, watch the recorded training sessions and check out the FAQs. The Zoom Learning Center is also a valuable source of video tutorials and how-to articles.
Visit the Zoom Phone Services webpage to learn more about UCR's new cloud-based telephony service. For questions or concerns, please reach out to the Zoom Phone Project Team via email at zoomphonepilot@ucr.edu.