Latest Blog Posts

animated ribbon cutting of portal

New Identity and Access Management Infrastructure at UCR

Deployment of UCR’s new identity and access management solution, IAMRiverside, is scheduled to commence the afternoon of March 16, 2023, and conclude in the early morning hours of March 20, 2023. Learn about effort and user experience during deployment.
animated woman looks at profile on device

New Identity and Access Management Solution Deploying Spring 2023

The deployment of IAMRiverside, an identity and access management solution that will greatly improve UC Riverside’s security posture and streamline the user account lifecycle, is scheduled for spring 2023. Thanks to UC Riverside’s recent investment in information technology, UCR Information Technology Solutions is pleased to formally introduce IAMRiverside, an identity and access management enterprise solution...
community members raise hands during hybrid meeting in conference room

Attend the UCR Tech Town Hall 

ITS invites you to attend a virtual Tech Town Hall taking place on Monday, January 9, 2023, at 12 PM. Attendees will learn about exciting campus technology investments and receive updates on key IT efforts that support UCR's mission and growth. Topics covered during the Tech Town Hall include enterprise solutions for communication and collaboration...
Animated man overlooks user interface icons over blue campus backdrop

Making IT Possible for UCR with a New Campus User Experience

Intuitive. Engaging. Integrated. These are the three main factors driving upcoming changes to IT information at UC Riverside. Beginning Sunday, October 30, 2022, campus users looking for IT information, resources, and support can expect a simplified, comprehensive user experience when visiting the ITS website (ITS.UCR.EDU).
Cyberhero smiles and raises fist prepared to fight the criminals!

UCR Calls for Cyber Security Superheroes!

As a University on the rise, UC Riverside is on the radar of brilliant students and researchers across the globe. Unfortunately, this global recognition also puts our university on the radar of cyber criminals looking to maliciously exploit our systems and victimize our community. Now more than ever, UC Riverside needs heroes—cyber security superheroes, to...
An animated phone depicting a conversation between a person and a chatbot.

New ITS Chatbot and Guest Login Functionality Enhance 24/7 IT Support for Campus

Users needing IT self-help may notice two new features: a chatbot icon on the ITS website and service portal and the option to submit a support ticket as a “guest” rather than logging in with a NetID. Read on to learn more about these features! The ITS chatbot is ready to learn about UCR and...
New and Improved IT Resources Blog Header

New and Improved Central IT Resources

In support of a new and improved campus user experience, IT service forms and Knowledge Base articles have been recategorized.
An animated navigation icon and map over the staircase at the student success center

Concur Travel and Expense, UC Riverside’s new travel system, will deploy campus wide on July 25, 2022.

The Impact23 program is pleased to announce the deployment of the Concur Travel and Expense system in just a few short weeks. Concur is the first system in the campus’ multi-year initiative, Impact23, to update many of our aging administrative systems. This milestone is more than eight months in the making and has involved participation...
A trophy with a google logo with UCR bell tower in background

UCR ITS Bests UCSB and SDSU to Win Google Cloud Hero Cup

UC Riverside Information Technology Solutions (ITS)–campus’ central IT organization–won the inaugural Google Cloud Hero Cup against competitors from UC Santa Barbara and San Diego State University. The gamified Google Cloud training took place over the course of three hours on Friday, June 24. Each University was represented by its respective IT professionals, who competed head-to-head...
A computer screen with the canvas logo over Watkins wall

Canvas is UCR’s New Learning Management System

As of July 1, 2022, Canvas (eLearn) is UC Riverside’s official learning management system, replacing Blackboard (iLearn). To log into Canvas, please go to
An animated phishing hook over the student success center staircase

Something Look "Suspish"? Ring the PhishAlarm!

Information Technology Solutions (ITS) is pleased to announce the release of PhishAlarm, an email add-in that allows you to easily report a suspected phishing email. Campus users can now report a suspicious email at the click of a button.
An animated speedometer and wifi symbol

Up to Speed: New Internet Routers in the Residence Halls

Students living in UCR residence halls may notice a difference in internet connectivity upon returning from spring break! While students have been away, Information Technology Solutions (ITS) has been working hard to improve an important part of the technology infrastructure in four of the UCR residence halls. In Aberdeen-Inverness, Glen Mor (phase 1), Lothian, and...
An animated checklist over the citrus fields and orange sculpture

Notice of Federally Prohibited Devices and Campus Compliance Plan

ITS will make a change to campus networking services on June 30, 2022, that will affect anyone attempting to make a wired connection to the UCR-secure network using a Federally restricted device. All University employees are responsible for conducting their work in accordance with the new campus NDAA 889 Compliance Plan. UC Riverside is legally...
Animated HR business professionals over the round room classroom

HRMS is now a 6-in-1 Human Resources Solution

Reading Time: 2-minutes It has been over a year since the Human Resources Management System (HRMS) portal went live, and the 5-in-1 software is a success with its users. Thanks to the software’s high performance, a new module called Contract Out was deployed on February 1, 2022. The new module enforces rules around hiring contract...
Animated university, books, and graduation cap

Remote Instruction Resources for Winter 2022

In light of the Chancellor’s notice of remote instruction for the first two weeks of winter quarter, the UCR Information Technology Solutions (ITS) and Exploration Center for Innovative Teaching and Engagement (XCITE) would like to provide a comprehensive list of resources that support remote instruction. TEACHING.UCR.EDU: This website contains a robust list of teaching resources...
Animated ominous figure on laptop

Are You Afraid of the Dark?

UCR Commences Cyber Security Awareness Month with Virtual Events and a Campus-wide Phishing Simulation Ghosts, ghouls, and… cybercriminals? October is the month of Halloween, but it is also the month of Cyber Security Awareness. Throughout the month of October you’re invited to participate, along with your peers at other UCs, by attending interesting and informative...
animated hand holds phone gestures a before and after state over campus palm trees

Make the Switch: User Experience to Change with Duo Mobile Update

To help keep the data of our Highlander community safe, UC Riverside has a multi-factor authentication (MFA) process that requires users to take two separate security steps to verify their identity when trying to access a secure campus resource. Upon logging in with their NetID and password, the user is prompted to send a push...
RISE Classroom Technology

A Campus-Wide Classroom Technology Initiative is Helping UC Riverside RISE to the Occasion

UC Riverside is on the RISE. Rooms for Increasing Student Engagement, or RISE, is a campus-wide initiative to transform classroom technology to meet the education needs of tomorrow and secure the University’s longevity as a top-ranked teaching and research institution.
person fills out clipboard at table looking at other sitting person

ITS Streamlines UCR HR Processes by Developing a Comprehensive HRMS Solution

The University of California, Riverside Information Technology Solutions (ITS) team is proud to announce the development of Human Resources Management System (HRMS), a new multi-tenancy software built in conjunction with UCR Human Resources that effectively and seamlessly combines five existing human resources systems--iRecruit, iReview, CareerTracks, JDS, and Title & Pay Plan--into one portal.

Campus Experience to Improve with New ITS Projects Underway

UCR Information Technology Solutions (ITS) is delighted to share details about multiple campus support projects aimed to improve the accessibility of IT services and user experience for students, faculty, staff, and guests. These projects--which are currently underway--include upgrades to the ServiceLink Portal, Knowledge Base, and ITS website. The catalyst behind all of these projects is...
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